Seit heute sind wir für .hamburg auf dem ICANN-Meeting in Kairo vertreten. Zum einen um die geplante Top-Level-Domain .hamburg beim Treffen der deutschsprachigen Teilnehmer (Deutscher Abend) bekannt zu machen. Zum anderen, um .hamburg in den diversen Foren und Gremien der ICANN zu diskutieren. Wichtig ist dabei mit den zahlreichen Entscheidern für die Zulassung neuer Top-Level-Domains zu sprechen. Denn wir wollen ihre Meinung einzuholen und .hamburg bekannter machen. Die Resonanz ist auf jeden Fall sehr positiv, schließlich kennt Hamburg hier bei ICANN jeder und findet eine Hamburg-Domain einfach sympathisch.
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The initiative .hamburg
The association dotHAMBURG is the initiative for a top-level domain .hamburg, providing a worldwide local namespace for the population of Hamburg. Nowadays more than 50% of all internet search strings incorporate a local identifier. Mainly local businesses, like craftsmen, car dealers, and doctors, have to be found in the internet. Furthermore, in a globalized world identity in the Internet becomes of more and more importance. With the “.hamburg” namespace, companies and citizens based in worldwide cities with the name Hamburg will be able to obtain their local identity on the Internet.
The founders of .hamburg
The association for a “.hamburg” Top-Level-Domain was founded by Oliver Süme, Dirk Krischenowski, Johannes Lenz-Hawliczek and Katrin Ohlmer. Oliver as Hamburger and a lawyer with a strong affinity to all internet related topics, he has been focussing on Internet Law for more than 10 years. Furthermore, he is vice president of the German Internet industry association “eco”.
The Hamburg community – with more than two millenniums of history
The first settlement in Hamburg is dated back to the 4th century B.C. It soon became a flourishing city in northern Europe as one of the first seaports in the region. Nowadays, the city of Hamburg, being one of the16 federal states of Germany, has 1.8 million citizens. That fact that humans have the desire to belong to a community was demonstrated in Hamburg more than 800 years ago. Hamburg, together with other north European trader cities, established the Hanseatic League (the so-called “Hanse”). It was founded in the 12th century and had a major influence on the inhabitants and the economy of Hamburg for more than 300 years.
.hamburg – The media city
Major worldwide companies are based in Hamburg, like Airbus, Lufthansa, Deutsche Bahn, Beiersdorf, HHLA, Otto Group, Daimler, Allianz, any many more. The harbour is, together with the airport, one of the main employers in Hamburg. Hamburg is well-know for being a media city, with several leading German magazines like “Spiegel”, “Stern”, and “Zeit”. More than 50% of all German nation-wide newspapers and magazines are produced in Hamburg. AOL and Google have their German headquarter in Hamburg, software companies like IBM, Yahoo and Adobe strong subsidiaries.
.hamburg – for Hamburg worldwide
Most other cities of Hamburg outside of Germany are located in the US: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Clarks County, Franklin County, Indiana, Iowa, California, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Ontario. Further cities with the name ‚Hamburg’ are located in south America like Chile, Guyana, Peru and even one Hamburg in South Africa.