Seit heu­te sind wir für .ham­burg auf dem ICANN-Mee­ting in Kai­ro ver­tre­ten. Zum einen um die geplan­te Top-Level-Domain .ham­burg beim Tref­fen der deutsch­spra­chi­gen Teil­neh­mer (Deut­scher Abend) bekannt zu machen. Zum ande­ren, um .ham­burg in den diver­sen Foren und Gre­mi­en der ICANN zu dis­ku­tie­ren. Wich­tig ist dabei mit den zahl­rei­chen Ent­schei­dern für die Zulas­sung neu­er Top-Level-Domains zu spre­chen. Denn wir wol­len ihre Mei­nung ein­zu­ho­len und .ham­burg bekann­ter machen. Die Reso­nanz ist auf jeden Fall sehr posi­tiv, schließ­lich kennt Ham­burg hier bei ICANN jeder und fin­det eine Ham­burg-Domain ein­fach sympathisch.

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The initiative .hamburg 

The asso­cia­ti­on dot­HAM­BURG is the initia­ti­ve for a top-level domain .ham­burg, pro­vi­ding a world­wi­de local name­space for the popu­la­ti­on of Ham­burg. Nowa­days more than 50% of all inter­net search strings incor­po­ra­te a local iden­ti­fier. Main­ly local busi­nesses, like craft­smen, car dea­lers, and doc­tors, have to be found in the inter­net. Fur­ther­mo­re, in a glo­ba­li­zed world iden­ti­ty in the Inter­net beco­mes of more and more importance. With the “.ham­burg” name­space, com­pa­nies and citi­zens based in world­wi­de cities with the name Ham­burg will be able to obtain their local iden­ti­ty on the Internet.

The founders of .hamburg

The asso­cia­ti­on for a “.ham­burg” Top-Level-Domain was foun­ded by Oli­ver Süme, Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, Johan­nes Lenz-Haw­lic­zek and Kat­rin Ohl­mer. Oli­ver as Ham­bur­ger and a lawy­er with a strong affi­ni­ty to all inter­net rela­ted topics, he has been focus­sing on Inter­net Law for more than 10 years. Fur­ther­mo­re, he is vice pre­si­dent of the Ger­man Inter­net indus­try asso­cia­ti­on “eco”.

The Hamburg community – with more than two millenniums of history

The first sett­le­ment in Ham­burg is dated back to the 4th cen­tu­ry B.C. It soon beca­me a flou­ris­hing city in nor­t­hern Euro­pe as one of the first sea­ports in the regi­on. Nowa­days, the city of Ham­burg, being one of the16 fede­ral sta­tes of Ger­ma­ny, has 1.8 mil­li­on citi­zens. That fact that humans have the desi­re to belong to a com­mu­ni­ty was demons­tra­ted in Ham­burg more than 800 years ago. Ham­burg, tog­e­ther with other north Euro­pean trader cities, estab­lished the Han­sea­tic League (the so-cal­led “Han­se”). It was foun­ded in the 12th cen­tu­ry and had a major influence on the inha­bi­tants and the eco­no­my of Ham­burg for more than 300 years.

.hamburg – The media city 

Major world­wi­de com­pa­nies are based in Ham­burg, like Air­bus, Luft­han­sa, Deut­sche Bahn, Bei­ers­dorf, HHLA, Otto Group, Daim­ler, Alli­anz, any many more. The har­bour is, tog­e­ther with the air­port, one of the main employ­ers in Ham­burg. Ham­burg is well-know for being a media city, with seve­ral lea­ding Ger­man maga­zi­nes like “Spie­gel”, “Stern”, and “Zeit”. More than 50% of all Ger­man nati­on-wide news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes are pro­du­ced in Ham­burg. AOL and Goog­le have their Ger­man head­quar­ter in Ham­burg, soft­ware com­pa­nies like IBM, Yahoo and Ado­be strong subsidiaries.

.hamburg – for Hamburg worldwide

Most other cities of Ham­burg out­side of Ger­ma­ny are loca­ted in the US: Ala­ba­ma, Arkan­sas, Con­nec­ti­cut, Clarks Coun­ty, Frank­lin Coun­ty, India­na, Iowa, Cali­for­nia, Loui­sia­na, Michi­gan, Min­ne­so­ta, Mis­sis­sip­pi, Mis­sou­ri, New Jer­sey, New York, Penn­syl­va­nia, South Caro­li­na, Wis­con­sin, and Onta­rio. Fur­ther cities with the name ‚Ham­burg’ are loca­ted in south Ame­ri­ca like Chi­le, Guya­na, Peru and even one Ham­burg in South Africa.