Important decis­i­ons on core Inter­net func­tions will be made in Ham­burg from Octo­ber 21 to 26, 2023, at the 78th mee­ting of the Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Orga­niza­ti­on ICANN. The Annu­al Gene­ral Mee­ting is the most important for the Inter­net com­mu­ni­ty in 2023, becau­se it offers a good oppor­tu­ni­ty on site in Ham­burg to also con­tri­bu­te Ger­man and Euro­pean per­spec­ti­ves for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the glo­bal Internet.

As the ope­ra­tor of the .ham­burg top-level domain, we are plea­sed that the mee­ting is hos­ted by eco-Ver­band der Inter­net­wirt­schaft e.V. and DENIC e.G. tog­e­ther with the Free and Han­sea­tic City of Hamburg.


With the hvv-APP you can tra­vel com­for­ta­b­ly through Ham­burg, see cur­rent infor­ma­ti­on about time­ta­bles and con­nec­tions and buy tickets for bus, train and ferry.

Kiekmo Hamburg

Kiek­mo offers you a dai­ly updated over­view of cul­tu­ral and lei­su­re events in Ham­burg and helps you dis­co­ver and book the city’s diver­se offe­rings, inclu­ding tips for restau­rants and nightlife.

Foun­ded in 1992, the Ham­burg Blue Devils have play­ed a major role in sha­ping the foot­ball sce­ne in Ger­ma­ny and Euro­pe, win­ning various natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal titles in recent years.

Stan­dard Ham­burg aims to estab­lish the ape­ri­tivo cul­tu­re and accom­pa­nies all drinks with a dai­ly chan­ging sel­ec­tion of stuzzichini.

The Hai­fisch­bar Ham­burg is a legen­da­ry mee­ting place with a mari­ti­me atmo­sphe­re and histo­ry, known for its his­to­ri­cal signi­fi­can­ce as a for­mer pub for dock­wor­kers and a must for visi­tors to Ham­burg who want to immer­se them­sel­ves in the authen­tic atmo­sphe­re of the city.

The sus­tainable fashion brand 8beaufort pro­du­ces uni­que snea­k­ers and bags from dis­card­ed sails and wants to con­quer the fashion world in mari­ti­me Ham­burg with its crea­ti­ve design and sustainability.


B‑LAGE is a coll­ec­ti­ve design store with a pop-up area loca­ted in the heart of the Ham­burg Schan­zen­vier­tel whe­re young com­pa­nies have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent their pro­ducts and ide­as to an inte­res­ted audi­ence, while incre­asing their own visi­bi­li­ty and mar­ket value.

Fish market

Every Sun­day mor­ning, the legen­da­ry fish mar­ket in Ham­burg attracts visi­tors to the Elbe, whe­re just about ever­y­thing is traded, from lush fruit bas­kets to fresh fish and sau­sa­ges, to por­ce­lain, tex­ti­les, and greenery.

Old Elbtunnel

The over 100-year-old Elbe Tun­nel in Ham­burg is a signi­fi­cant archi­tec­tu­ral high­light and a pie­ce of Hamburg’s histo­ry, which can be easi­ly and free of char­ge acces­sed with the Ham­burg City Pass and its included public trans­por­ta­ti­on ticket.


The Spei­cher­stadt, with its nar­row canals, bridges, and his­to­ric buil­dings, is a must-see for any Ham­burg visit and was declared Germany’s 40th UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge Site in 2015, fea­turing the Minia­tur Wun­der­land, Was­ser­schloss, and Traditionsschiffhafen.


The loop around the Außen­als­ter is Hamburg’s most popu­lar run­ning rou­te, lea­ding through beau­tiful green spaces in the midd­le of the metro­po­lis and offe­ring a breath­ta­king view of the lake and the pas­sing sailboats in warm weather.


One way to explo­re the Han­sea­tic city from the water is stand-up paddling: you padd­le stan­ding up on a surf­board and can cool off in the water if neces­sa­ry – it’s par­ti­cu­lar­ly enter­tai­ning when you padd­le across the Als­ter tog­e­ther with seve­ral SUPs.


Expe­ri­ence a beau­tiful canoe trip through Hamburg’s side canals with varied stret­ches and beau­tiful views of parks, bike paths and allot­ments, lea­ding from the Ohls­dor­fer Schleu­se down­stream to the Alte Alster.

Wine bar

The Polet­to Wine­bar in Eppen­dorf is the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on of a char­ming wine bar and an appe­al­ing Ita­li­an restau­rant with exclu­si­ve wines and sophisti­ca­ted cuisine.

Tasting traditional fish

The Fische­rei­ha­fen Restau­rant in Ham­burg is the top desti­na­ti­on for fish lovers, ser­ving up tra­di­tio­nal dis­hes such as eel soup, Labs­kaus, trout, or lobs­ter, as well as modern opti­ons like sas­hi­mi or prawns with red wine-chi­li dip and glass nood­le salad.

Bar crawl on the Reeperbahn

Expe­ri­ence Hamburg’s vibrant night­li­fe with a pub crawl on the Ree­per­bahn and in the Ham­bur­ger Berg­stra­ße, whe­re you can dis­co­ver lively bars and night­clubs and try local drinks like Astra beer while DJs play the latest music.

As a non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on, ICANN (Inter­net Cor­po­ra­ti­on for Assi­gned Names and Num­bers) coor­di­na­tes the allo­ca­ti­on of domain names and IP addres­ses world­wi­de and thus ensu­res the secu­re and sta­ble ope­ra­ti­on of the Domain Name Sys­tem (DNS) for the Internet.

„After Ber­lin in 1999, we are brin­ging an ICANN con­fe­rence to Ger­ma­ny for the first time in more than 20 years,” says Oli­ver Süme, Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer of eco – Ver­band der Inter­net­wirt­schaft e.V. „With eco, DENIC and the City of Ham­burg, strong part­ners from busi­ness and poli­tics have joi­n­ed forces to make this a reality.”

ICANN coordinates the management of names and addresses on the Internet

For the Inter­net to func­tion, domain names and IP addres­ses must be uni­que world­wi­de. The cen­tral task of ICANN, foun­ded in 1998, is to ensu­re this in coope­ra­ti­on with the world­wi­de Inter­net com­mu­ni­ty. As a result, Inter­net users all over the world can, for exam­p­le, enter into their brow­sers and thus reach DENIC’s website.

Hamburg welcomes international net community

In addi­ti­on to coun­try spe­ci­fic domains, the­re are also so-cal­led gene­ric domain endings, inclu­ding tho­se with a geo­gra­phi­cal refe­rence that have been available for some years. The Free and Han­sea­tic City of Ham­burg has actively sup­port­ed the regis­tra­ti­on of the top-level domain .ham­burg, so that, for exam­p­le, the web­site of the Ham­burg poli­ce can be rea­ched at

ICANN mee­tings are held three times a year, each time in a dif­fe­rent city around the world. During the Coro­na pan­de­mic, the­re were only vir­tu­al mee­tings. The 78th ICANN mee­ting will be held in Ham­burg from Octo­ber 21 to 26, 2023. For this mee­ting, the orga­ni­zers expect around 2,500 par­ti­ci­pan­ts from rese­arch, the tech com­mu­ni­ty, poli­tics, busi­ness and civil socie­ty: „I am very plea­sed that Ham­burg will be able to wel­co­me the inter­na­tio­nal net com­mu­ni­ty to the new Con­gress Cen­trum Ham­burg. The mee­ting is a gre­at enrich­ment for the city as an inno­va­ti­on loca­ti­on and ‚Smart City’,” says Micha­el West­ha­ge­mann, Sena­tor for Eco­no­mics and Inno­va­ti­on of the Free and Han­sea­tic City of Hamburg.

Ham­burg was alre­a­dy sche­du­led to host the then ICANN Annu­al Gene­ral Mee­ting in 2020. Howe­ver, the con­fe­rence was then hos­ted vir­tual­ly due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Press contact

Ann-Kath­rin Gräfe