Intro­duc­tion of New Top-Level-Domains, GNSO Issues Report, ICANN, Decem­ber 2005

Sta­tus Report on the sTLD Eva­lua­ti­on Pro­cess, Miri­am Sapi­ro, Novem­ber 2005

ICANN At-Lar­ge Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee State­ment on the Intro­duc­tion of IDNs,

Deni­se Michel, Novem­ber 2005

Exami­ning Top Level IDNs, John C Klen­sin, Novem­ber 2005

Natio­nal and Local Cha­rac­ters for DNS Top Level Domain (TLD) Names, Inter­net Working Group by John Klen­sin, Octo­ber 2005

ICANN Stra­te­gic Plan­ning Issues Paper, ICANN, Sep­tem­ber 2005

White paper on inter­net domain name expan­si­on, ICANN Cross Con­sti­tuen­cy, Phil­ip Shepp­ard GNSO Busi­ness users con­sti­tuen­cy, July 2005

White paper on inter­net domain name expan­si­on – Sum­ma­ry Pre­sen­ta­ti­on, ICANN Cross Con­sti­tuen­cy, Phil­ip Shepp­ard GNSO Busi­ness users con­sti­tuen­cy, July 2005

New TLD Ques­ti­ons, ICANN, July 7, 2005

New Gene­ric Top-Level Domains: Intellec­tu­al Pro­per­ty Con­side­ra­ti­ons, WIPO, June 2005

Sign­posts in Cyber­space – The Domain Name Sys­tem and Inter­net Navi­ga­ti­on, Com­mit­tee on Inter­net Navi­ga­ti­on and the Domain Name Sys­tem: Tech­ni­cal Alter­na­ti­ves and Poli­cy Impli­ca­ti­ons, Natio­nal Rese­arch Coun­cil, Exe­cu­ti­ve Sum­ma­ry, April 05, 2005

Sign­posts in Cyber­space – The Domain Name Sys­tem and Inter­net Navi­ga­ti­on, full ver­si­on (3,4 MB), April 05, 2005

Eva­lua­ti­on of the New gTLDs: Poli­cy and Legal Issues, Pre­pared for the Inter­net Cor­po­ra­ti­on for Assi­gned Names and Num­bers (ICANN) by Sum­mit Stra­te­gies Inter­na­tio­nal, Miri­am Sapi­ro, July 10, 2004

Stra­tegy: Intro­duc­tion of New Gene­ric Top-Level Domains, ICANN, Sep­tem­ber 30, 2004

Gene­ric Top Level Domain Names: Mar­ket Deve­lo­p­ment and Allo­ca­ti­on Issues, OECD Report,

Jul 13, 2004

Inde­pen­dent Eva­lua­tors of sTLD pro­po­sals, ICANN, 2003

Toward a City-Fri­end­ly Inter­net (The .nyc TLD initia­ti­ve), Tho­mas Lowen­haupt, August 24, 2003

Die Regu­lie­rung des Domain­na­men­sys­tems – Ent­schei­dungs­pro­zess und gesell­schaft­li­che Aus­wir­kun­gen der Ein­rich­tung neu­er Top Level Domains im Inter­net, Jea­nette Hof­mann WZB, Berlin

Sep­tem­ber 2003

Get Out of my Name­space, by James Gleick, NewYork­Times, March 21, 2004