Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)

The Regis­tra­ti­on Data Access Pro­to­col (RDAP) is suc­ces­sor to the WHOIS pro­to­col. You won’t noti­ce the chan­ge in using our web­site. Howe­ver, we would like to pro­vi­de fur­ther details about this ser­vice. Our ser­vice is com­pli­ant to ICANNs gTLD RDAP pro­fi­le (visit for more details).

Terms of Service (TOS)

Except for agreed Inter­net ope­ra­tio­nal pur­po­ses, no part of this infor­ma­ti­on may be repro­du­ced, stored in a retrie­val sys­tem, or trans­mit­ted, in any form or by any means, elec­tro­nic, mecha­ni­cal, recor­ding, or other­wi­se, wit­hout pri­or per­mis­si­on of us on behalf of its­elf and/or the copy­right hol­ders. Any use of this mate­ri­al to tar­get adver­ti­sing or simi­lar acti­vi­ties is expli­cit­ly for­bidden and can be pro­se­cu­ted. Fur­ther­mo­re, it is strict­ly for­bidden to use the RDAP data­ba­se in such a way that jeo­par­di­zes or could jeo­par­di­ze the sta­bi­li­ty of our tech­ni­cal sys­tems under any cir­cum­s­tances. In par­ti­cu­lar, this includes any misu­se of the RDAP data­ba­se and any use of the RDAP data­ba­se which dis­turbs its ope­ra­ti­on. Should a user vio­la­te the­se points, we reser­ve the right to deac­ti­va­te the RDAP data­ba­se enti­re­ly or part­ly for the user. Moreo­ver, the user shall be held lia­ble for any and all dama­ge ari­sing from a vio­la­ti­on of the­se points.

Further Information and Help

Our poli­cy infor­ma­ti­on for .ham­burg is available here

Our RDAP ser­ver sup­ports loo­kups for domains, hosts and enti­ties. Search is available for regis­trar names and host IPs. The Base URL is

RDAP Request Examples:

Domain Look­up Exam­p­le:

Host Look­up Exam­p­le:

Regis­trar Look­up Exam­p­le:

Regis­trar Search Exam­p­le:*

RDAP respon­ses are in JSON format.

For more infor­ma­ti­on or ques­ti­ons on our RDAP imple­men­ta­ti­on, feel free to cont­act our sup­port. Note: The RDAP ser­vice is available to the public under the abo­ve descri­bed Terms of Service.

Copy­right © 2019 Ham­burg Top-Level-Domain GmbH